Isoamyl Nitrite

Other Names:

Amyl nitrite

Isopentyl nitrite

General Information:


CAS Number: 110-46-3

Molecular Weight: 117.15 g/mol

Boiling Point: 99 C

Density: 0.872 g/mL

Common Uses:

Reagent in Sandmeyer reactions (ex. Ar-NH2 to Ar-Br)

Procedure excerpt:

Isoamyl nitrite (17.3 g, 147.4 mmol) was added to a solution of the SM (25 g, 73.7 mmol) in ACN (160 mL), and the mixture was stirred at RT for 10 min. CuBr (21.1 g, 147 mmol) was . . .

[full procedure]

Reagent in Sandmeyer reactions (ex. Ar-NH2 to Ar-CN)

Procedure excerpt:

To a suspension of CuCN (13.6 g, 152 mmol) in ACN (500 mL) was added isoamyl nitrite (25.4 mL, 190 mmol). A solution of the SM (20.0 g, 127 mmol) in ACN (100 mL) was . . .

[full procedure]


1) Patent Reference: WO2015051043, page 60, (9.7 MB)

2) Patent Reference: WO2014201173, page 239, (19.7 MB)

3) Wikipedia: Amyl nitrite (link)

4) Isopentyl nitrite (link)